DAY 5 & 6 & 7 - SAILING NORTH ATLANTIC OCEANOur 5th, 6th and 7th day on the North Atlantic Ocean. In the morning on day 5 we were lucky to have pods of Dolphins entertain us for quite some time and one even awarded us with a perfect jump (see last video below).There was not much to do and very little wind, we almost sailed backwards and at one point we even watched a fly pass us! Believe it if you wish :-)On day 5 we finally had enough wind to hoist the Spinnaker. After five days at sea we were getting pretty bored so we arranged a private beer party, daring to be a bit tipsy while aboard. On day 6 we saw a turtle sticking it´s head above water. On day 7 both sails where up but did little to get us further towards our first goal - Porto Santo. Of course there were stunning sunrises and sunsets but after so many days one does tend to adopt a little attitude, like "so what?". Follow us on Day 8 - Sailing, Arriving Porto Santo Go back to Day 3 & 4 - Sailing North Atlantic Ocean Back to start Start of a new day
Day 5 - A normal night. Dark, windy and Orion´s belt coming into view.
Day 5 - Watching the sun rise, but what to do all day?
Day 5 - Dolphins enjoying the sunrise
Day 6 - Beautiful sunrise
Day 6 - A couple of dolphins
Day 6 - Waiting for the dolphins to show up
Day 6 - Waiting for the dolphins to show up
Day 6 - Dolphins
Day 6 - A pod of dolphins
Day 6 - A perfect jump at 0.16 secs.